multigigabit switching
Simply Faster than the Rest, Cisco Wi-Fi 6 + Multigigabit Switching
2 min read
With technology advancing faster than ever, we need an equivalently robust network infrastructure to handle it. While Wi-Fi 6 provides blazing-fast wireless speeds, do you have multigigabit switching to maximize its potential?
Upgrade Your Cat5e Cable Without Ever Touching A Wall
2 min read
Today is the 17 year anniversary of my first video download. In September 1999, I was so excited to use the new robust 802.11a for an incredible 11 mbps download. Do you remember wireless networking 1999? Back then, if you had challenges at 11 mbps to download a video what did you do? You went […]
Multigigabit Switching Extends and Super-charges Your Access LAN’s Life
3 min read
If the phrase “multigigabit switching” is not in your personal knowledge base yet, you are not alone – it’s very new. But going forward, you’ll hear a lot about it. Here’s why. Multigigabit switching is an emerging technology that shatters the Ethernet speed barriers found in the LAN infrastructure that most of you have today. […]