
March 20, 2019


A Solution Looking For A Problem?

1 min read

Last year, on a date that he is uncertain of, Cisco’s own Pete Johnson saw a tweet that said: “Serverless is a solution looking for a problem.” The statement frustrated...

October 4, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered, Episode 56: Trekking the Serverless Landscape with Krishnan Subramanian

1 min read

In this episode I think it’s fair to say that we get down and dirty on the subject of serverless. We muck around in the different technologies, the different terminologies, adoption patterns, and potential impact on the industry.

November 29, 2017


Bridging the IoT Computing Gap: Edge Compute, IoT Gateways, and AWS

3 min read

Exciting demo from Cisco at AWS re:Invent -- an example of Cisco working with AWS to help developers bridge the IoT computing gap from cloud to the edge.