cyber threats

July 23, 2024


User Protection Suite Secures Against Talos Top Ransomware Attack Trends

3 min read

Discover Talo’s first episode of Talos Threat Perspective and how Cisco’s User Protection Suite can provide a layered approach to security.

October 20, 2023


Explorations in the spam folder: A sum greater than the parts

6 min read

We all know to look out for phishing emails, but sometimes these scams can catch us off guard. Learn to identify minute details that, when brought together, shine light on a larger attack.

April 25, 2023


Cisco’s Vision to Rapidly Detect Cyber Threats and Automate Response

2 min read

The threat landscape requires to rethink security to enable rapid detection of cyber threats and to automate response. Cisco’s XDR gives critical infrastructure operators and public administrations the capability to detect, investigate and prioritise threats and incidents, and the tools to quickly remediate them.