
The unfortunate reality today is that we are all facing extraordinary shifts in the work environment. Remote work is critical for many businesses to ensure survival. Work from home and workforce transformation has transformed many of us and business continuity is now literally at the epicenter of everything many of us are thinking about.  But drilling into that deeper is network resilience, data center, scalability, and the ability to move quickly and decisively for our customers and partners.

While Cisco has products and services and offers that fit very well in this environment the criticality of keeping it all running many times falls on the shoulders of our very capable partner community.

Cisco Business Critical Services (BCS 3.0), coupled with partner services and capabilities, is exactly what customers need to ensure network resilience and continuity. The following use cases are examples of how Cisco and our partners can meet those needs for customers.

Operations Insights: Available in both BCS 3.0 Essentials and Advantage tiers, Operational Insight reviews allow partners to better understand how their customer’s environment is running and what they can do to productively mitigate issues. All this is built on Cisco intellectual property with our access to millions of devices across thousands of customer environments.

Risk Mitigation: The insights mentioned above provide actionable opportunities for partners to then use their own change management, implementation, and testing services. The result is better customer outcomes, such as reduced downtime, and increased network stability, efficiency, and performance.

Change Window Support: In this use case, Cisco experts provide analysis and review of a customer’s proposed changes and Method of Procedure (MOP) document for the activities in support of a planned change window. By engaging Cisco expertise, partners and customers avoid the risk of rework through proactive identification of areas of improvements. Since the partner can be involved with this process, they can then provide the customer additional change support as a service they provide to compliment those included in the BCS deliverables.

Cisco’s partners are being asked to do more than ever in 2020 and beyond in order to support customers and ensure that customers are serving THEIR customers and employees. Never has the ecosystem between Cisco and our partners been more crucial for our customers. The time is right as we land BCS 3.0 jointly, between Cisco and partners to solve our customers most pressing problems.

For more information on BCS 3.0 please visit Successhub.

Happy Selling!





Bryan Bedford

Global Industry Director: Retail, Hospitality, Sports, Media and Entertainment

Global Partner Organization