
In today’s stop in Cisco’s #FutureofPublicSector series, we explore the early innovators in our Americas region who are using technology to improve citizen services and enable communities to thrive.  

For years, governments around the world have been grappling with ongoing challenges in the public sector: from managing the cost and quality of healthcare for an aging population, to enhancing the quality and provision of K-12 education in today’s hyperconnected world, to delivering public safety and quality of life for citizens during rapid urbanization. Cisco technology has been used to help address these challenges and bridge the gap between the world we live in today and the one we imagine for future generations. Here are three stories from the Americas of innovative problem solvers who are leading the way in digital transformation.

Alaska Case Study: Changing the Way We Protect Our People

Snowy Alaska roadThe Elliott and Dalton Highways in Alaska are considered to be among the most dangerous overland routes in the world. Stretching over 500 miles through remote wilderness, the roads are largely unpaved, covered in ice much of the year and subject to harsh sub-zero temperatures. Until recently, the route lacked electricity and communication infrastructure, making emergency response almost impossible.

Despite the dangers involved in maintaining and traversing these highways, they remain a key supply route for Prudhoe Bay Oil Field – the largest oil reserve in North America – and accommodate roughly 240 load-carrying trucks a day. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) needed to find an innovative solution to implement a communications network with absolute reliability to protect staff and the public traveling on these highways.

Read how ADOT&PF and Cisco deliver life-saving communications on the hardest stretches of highway in the U.S.

Ontario Case Study: Changing the Way We Heal

Problem Solvers at hospital collaboratingWhen it comes to our health, there is no room for error. Healthcare facilities around the world remain committed to providing the right tools at the right time and providing the right support to enhance doctor/patient relationships, staff productivity and patient experience.

Despite being in the top quartile for healthcare, the London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario, Canada, is focused on continuous improvement. As part of their strategy, they wanted to explore new technologies to improve collaboration across their 15,000 staff, enhance physician productivity and enable more effective control and sharing of patient data. With strict data privacy requirements and a strong desire to avoid any additional administrative burden on the already busy staff, they turned to Cisco to plan their digital transformation.

Read how the London Health Sciences Centre partners with Cisco to alleviate 100 hours of doctors’ time every year and improve adverse medication events by 40%

Uruguay Case Study: Changing the Way We Learn

Students learning with Plan CeibalIn 2007, the Uruguayan government launched ‘Plan Ceibal’ to introduce information and communication technologies in schools across the country. Within two years, Uruguay was able to provide a free laptop to every child attending primary state school, but this education initiative was so much more strategic than simply providing new tools.

The government had a long-term digital vision to ensure that technology could be used to enhance learning and accelerate societal equality starting in the classroom. In particular, Uruguay wanted every pupil to learn English as a second language but faced a number of challenges connecting qualified English teachers to classrooms spread across the country. Determined to find a better way, the Uruguayan government turned to Cisco to help turn their digital vision into a reality.Watch a video on the universal teaching model Uruguay built with Cisco to safely connect 1300 schools

Public Sector Problem Solvers

Three different challenges. Three different solutions. Three very different customer settings. With these Americas Problem Solvers, Cisco builds the bridge between the world we live in and the world we imagine.

Learn how Cisco can solve your public sector challenges: Problem Solvers Edition

We’d love to hear what you think. How is technology making a difference for you? Comment below and stay tuned for the next installment of our #FutureofPublicSector blog series where we explore the Future of Healthcare.

Americas Problem Solvers Roadmap of the Future of Public Sector blog series



Cassie Roach

Global Vice President, Cloud and AI Infrastructure Partner Sales

Global Partner Sales