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October 4, 2023


NSO Playground, A New Environment Available on Cisco Code Exchange

1 min read

When it comes to code development, setting up environments to test and share with others can be a hassle. Now, the new NSO Playground on Code Exchange simplifies your network automation journey with Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO).

October 2, 2023


API Summit 2023 by Kong Sessions Now Available On-demand

1 min read

Explore API-first development in a cloud native world. Dig into topics in API quality and security including, "Automate your own API quality pipelines" and "Secure exposed and third-party APIs." Hear real-world success stories from developers and industry leaders.

September 15, 2023


Cisco and F5 Innovations Power Enhanced Application Performance in a Hybrid and Multi-cloud World

2 min read

See how F5 and Cisco are empowering network and application teams to ensure applications are available and performing successfully in the new hybrid multi-cloud reality.

September 14, 2023


Introducing the Official Ansible Collection for Meraki Dashboard API

3 min read

See how the official Meraki Ansible collection, tailored specifically for the Meraki Dashboard API, enables network administrators to leverage the power of automation and orchestration for Meraki devices.

September 6, 2023


The Ultimate Guide to On-Demand Developer Content from Cisco Live 2023

6 min read

From media interviews to sessions to community events, Cisco Live 2023 had great sessions around Cisco Full-Stack Observability.

August 24, 2023


Building Trust from the Ground Up: The Role of Secure ZTP in Zero Trust Networks

6 min read

Learn how Cisco Secure ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning) helps you maintain security throughout the provisioning process with a proactive approach that employs robust authentication and encrypted communication channels to enhance the security posture of a network while Day 0 network automation is in place.

August 23, 2023


DevNet Celebrates 10 Years

5 min read

As DevNet turns 10, we're excited about DevNet’s next chapter. But, it’s always fun to look back and see where we’ve come from.

August 2, 2023


Titles vs. Roles – What Really Matters?

2 min read

When someone says their title is “Systems Analyst,” what does that imply? Are they a programmer? A data cruncher? Possibly in the operations end of IT? 

July 18, 2023


Starbucks Open Sources Their Terraform Provider for Meraki Networks

2 min read

See how Starbucks uses Terraform, an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, to provision and manage cloud infrastructure resources across multiple cloud providers.

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