Cisco Blogs / Wantao Zhao
Wantao Zhao
Customer Support Engineer
Japan TAC / Cisco Citizen Network
Wantao Zhao (赵婉韬・ちょう えんとう), a FY17 New Grads in Japan TAC Collaboration team. Made in China, and moved to Tokyo after university.
At 18 years old, Wantao luckily found her life goal - 'change education for children.' After participating several volunteer teaching programs, she went to Waseda University to study International Educational Development. Her Master thesis was about Fortune 500 companies' CSR activities in the educational development field. (Of course, Cisco is one of the companies who are doing great for education!)
Wishing to utilize Cisco's collaboration products for better education, Wantao joined TAC to study about Cisco technologies through handling SRs. At the same time, she sometimes organizes fund-raising projects for rural schools & students. With her passion, academic background, and technical skills as a CCIE, Wantao believes she can one day find her way of contributing to the world’s education.
Cisco is Wantao's first full-time job, yet previously she has interned at Waseda University, UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) for 6 months, followed by Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and after that, served at Peace Boat 93rd World Cruise for 3 months as a volunteer interpreter.
As the Chinese proverbs saying, 众人拾柴火焰高(Only when all contribute their firewood can they build up a big fire), Wantao believes teamwork makes the dream work. Please do drop Wantao a message if you are also passionate about EDUCATION!