
Roland Plett

Industry Lead

Oil & Gas and Mining

Roland leads the Oil & Gas and Mining solutions practice at Cisco Systems. In that role he brings together the products of Cisco and its partners in the Oil & Gas and Mining industries. He loves moving valuable business data from the dirtiest and most hazardous environments on earth to the operator screens and OT applications of Cisco customers. Over the last 25 years Roland has been an active part of the data networking industry including 8 years at Bell Canada and 13 years at Cisco Systems. In the last 5 years Roland has participated in multiple energy and mining infrastructure projects for OT customers around the world. These customers include oil producers, gold mines, and international pipeline companies. His most significant challenges have been designing wireless solutions for autonomous vehicles and bringing together converged secure networks for multiple OT stakeholders. Roland has achieved this by working alongside OT partners who are trusted by OT buyers and may be new to Cisco solutions.


Sustainability in Mining

4 min read

In order to meet United Nations sustainability goals, every major mining company has indicated their businesses will change in the next 20 years. The world is about to go through one of the biggest energy transitions in history and it’s clear that the mining industry will be greatly impacted. What can we expect? What are […]

Enabling Workers in the Mine

4 min read

The effectiveness of any mine worker is primarily impacted by the need for strong collaboration with others to leverage the strength of the greater on-site or remote community as well as the ability to access the right information in a timely way through online applications for workflow and asset management.

Enabling the Field Worker in Oil & Gas 

4 min read

The effectiveness of any oil and gas worker is primarily impacted by the need for strong collaboration with others to leverage the strength of the greater on-site or remote community as well as the ability to access the right information in a timely way through online applications for workflow and asset management.

Adapting to the Future of Oil & Gas

3 min read

Today’s digital strategies and tools increase visibility to current operational realities and tomorrow’s strategies will enable greater automation and remote control so that sites will become even safer, more productive, and adaptable to future changes in the industry.

Mining’s Digital Imperative

3 min read

Dramatic cycles in the mining industry require operators to be agile and efficient. Digital strategies increase visibility on operations and enable greater automation and remote control — making sites even safer, more productive, and responsive to future challenges. Find out how Cisco helps mining operators with their digital strategies.

Asset Visibility – Condition Monitoring

2 min read

Only a decade ago, I navigated my car rides with paper maps. Today, it’s hard to imagine pulling out a paper map to manually figure out directions to my destination. I have already made this transition from paper maps to electronic ones but many industrial workflows still rely on paper. From Paper to Electronic Systems […]

Asset Visibility – Legacy Field Data Sources

2 min read

As Pygo in northern Canada found out, you do not need to replace or upgrade a legacy system before you can access the data it gathers. Even legacy systems can produce valuable data points. Learn how Cisco Industrial Routers can transform data and deliver it to an operator's dashboard to help avoid costly downtime.

Asset Visibility – Asset Inventory and Security

1 min read

The Vegas stage lights are bright and you’ve been enjoying the entertainment of jugglers and circus acts. The showman before you now takes his hat off and flips it in the air to demonstrate it’s legitimacy. After this you already know what’s coming but it still doesn’t make any sense. Next his hand reaches into […]

New Pipeline Directive Creates Urgency

2 min read

Cisco has security experts for security assessments, mitigation planning, infrastructure deployment and incident response to address the new TSA Pipeline Security Directive.