
January 30, 2017


Understanding the Digital Transformation of Government

1 min read

The world is being transformed by technology. Almost everything we see, touch, and do is being transformed by technology. Government isn’t immune from technologically driven change. From intelligent street lights to traffic data gathered through Internet of Things (IoT) devices to using big data and analytics to develop and deploy social services, government is being […]

January 9, 2017


Next-Generation National Security and Public Safety in Europe

1 min read

As the threats and risks from cyber criminals, terrorists, gangs, nation states, and others continue to grow and evolve, national security and public safety officials in Europe face one of the most difficult challenges yet in keeping citizens, cities, and nations safe. Providing this safety often means understanding the global, cultural, social, and technological trends […]

December 19, 2016


Scaling Public Safety and National Security in a Digital World

1 min read

Analyst firm IDC, in partnership with Cisco, produced a summary of current and future trends in public safety and national security.

November 1, 2016


It Takes a Community!

2 min read

It was an honor to sponsor and attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 123rd Annual Conference in San Diego, California a few weeks ago. The event had a great turnout of more than sixteen thousand, including 11,453 delegates and 4,945 exhibitors. Shelley Zimmerman, Chief of Police, San Diego Police Department, opened the conference with a fantastic speech about […]

April 28, 2016


Live #CiscoChat May 17th: Safer Communities and Countries in a Digital World – Are You Prepared?

1 min read

Public safety is becoming an increasing concern, just about everywhere you go. It seems every time you turn on the news, there’s someone or something else harming people, killing people, or putting them in danger. There are public safety organizations for cities, borders, college campuses, and more, whose job it is to keep you safe […]