Cisco Blogs / Ben Munroe / Page 3
Ben Munroe
Director of Product Marketing
Cisco Security
Ben Munroe is a Senior Director in Cisco Security, having joined from the acquisition of Sourcefire in 2013. With a background in network security, specifically Intrusion Prevention Systems, he has covered all security product lines at Cisco. He recently helped launch the SecureX platform that offers integrated visibility and orchestrated response for SecOps, NetOps and ITOps.
Munroe currently leads the worldwide security product marketing team. This team includes the thought leadership group that publishes threat, privacy and benchmark data and the popular Security Stories podcast for CISOs and aspiring security leaders.
Prior to Sourcefire, Munroe spent 10 years working for IT and cybersecurity companies including TippingPoint, IBM and SAP. Before that, he worked for musicians such as The Rolling Stones and David Bowie and wrote widely on travel, art and culture.