Title: Citrix XenDesktop 7 and FlexPod – a Perfect Pairing
2 min read
Hot on the heels of a hopping Citrix Synergy two weeks ago, Citrix just broadcast on June 11, a fascinating discussion between senior Citrix, NetApp and Cisco executives on the...
And now, finally, you can afford to let your VDI administrator go on vacation ….
2 min read
I know I know.. You are already familiar with the fundamentals of Desktop Virtualization. So we are not going to talk about that. However, if you do not know much about Cisco’s capabilities in the space and you have three minutes and twenty seconds of your busy day to spare, you can watch this […]
Cisco at Citrix Synergy LA 2013 : Expanding the Relationship
1 min read
Our bags are packed and the demos are built, as Cisco heads out to Citrix Synergy LA 2013 in Anaheim next week. Synergy will be the inaugural event at the new Anaheim Convention Center, and Cisco a proud Platinum Sponsor , will be showing up in style, with a larger booth, 8 demo stations, a […]
Cisco WAAS 5.0 Achieves SAP-Certified Integration with SAP NetWeaver®
1 min read
Today, I am pleased to share the news that Cisco WAAS 5.0 has been certified by SAP for integration with the SAP NetWeaver® technology platform 7.0. Cisco WAAS 5.0 on the Cisco WAVE-594 appliance has been tested for performance preservation, secure encrypted communication, reliability, and functional correctness with SAP NetWeaver 7.0. The WAN bandwidth utilization […]