Nexus 1000v

March 15, 2013


What’s Cisco Doing for Windows Server 2012 and System Center 2012 SP1?

1 min read

We’re doing quite a bit actually…if you’re headed to the Microsoft Management Summit 2013 show in Las Vegas in a few weeks, stop by our booth, grab a t-shirt, and see us demo our UCS Manager and Nexus 1000V capabilities and more… Cisco’s technology investments for Windows Server 2012 & System Center 2012 center primarily […]

March 7, 2013


Public Beta of Nexus 1000V virtual switch for Microsoft Hyper-V is Now Available

2 min read

If you missed our webcast on the upcoming Nexus 1000V release for Microsoft Hyper-V, you missed the announcement that we are now making available a beta version to the general public, as of March 6. (Note: Everyone asks, so, no, we haven’t announced the availability date for the GA version yet, but it’s coming soon). This […]

March 1, 2013


Upcoming Webcast with Microsoft MVP Will Shed Light on Nexus 1000V for Hyper-V and SCVMM Integration

1 min read

[Register here for the webcast: Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 9:00 AM Pacific Time] If you are running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 in your virtualized data center (or plan to), you’ll want to join us for a detailed webcast on Cisco Nexus 1000V virtual switch for Hyper-V and the integration with Microsoft’s System Center Virtual Machine […]

February 26, 2013


Nexus 1000V InterCloud… And Now Here’s the Demo

There’s been a great deal of excitement, interest and certainly follow-on questions after we announced our new hybrid cloud integration solution, Nexus 1000V InterCloud. My earlier three-part blog consisted of Part 1 on the architecture and features, Part 2 on the hybrid cloud management specifics, and Part 3 a recap of the frequently asked questions. […]

February 12, 2013


InterCloud Plus Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud

Cisco continues to roll out innovations that will enable the next generations of multi-cloud computing.  I’m a product manager working on Cisco’s Cloud Management software, and we’re all about the high-level, self-service, automatic provisioning of services that the end-user cares about.  The network just moves ones and zeros, and all protocols of interest (HTTP, SSH, […]

February 11, 2013


Primer on Cloud Confidence

2 min read

We had some sneak peeks at CiscoLive in London but as you probably know by now, this stuff was just formally announced last week.  Several demos worth looking at give you the foundation for what is important. Shashi Kiran is leading this effort and you can always count on a good quote: “Cisco takes Unified […]

February 7, 2013


Cisco Launches Nexus 1000V InterCloud – Part 3

Today we wrap up our three part introduction of Cisco’s new hybrid cloud infrastructure, Nexus 1000V InterCloud. In Part 1, we provided an overview of the architecture and the components that make up Nexus 1000V InterCloud. In Part 2, we looked a bit more closely into the single pane management of the cloud network and […]

February 6, 2013


Delivering High Value Cloud Services in a World of Many Clouds

Businesses and Governments are using multiple clouds in different ways. They are moving core functions in to a controlled private or managed cloud. But they are still using public clouds for new services, content and demand spikes. Some large enterprises are becoming specialized cloud providers for smaller businesses, while traditional providers are using different clouds […]

February 4, 2013


Cisco Launches Nexus 1000V InterCloud – Part 1

3 min read

In a recent post, I previewed some new hybrid cloud market research from Forrester that spoke to the business drivers and technical hurdles to cloud integration, and Shashi Kiran  has recently posted about lowering the barriers to hybrid cloud adoption. Today, as part of a larger cloud technology launch, Cisco is announcing a new hybrid […]