Crazy ideas to revamp MPI_INIT and MPI_FINALIZE
1 min read
I recently had the pleasure of attending EuroMPI 2015, hosted by INRIA in Bordeaux, France (…hey, you should attend EuroMPI 2016 in Edinburgh, Scottland!). I gave two mini-talks during my speaking slot, the first of which was entitled: Crazy ideas about revamping MPI_INIT and MPI_FINALIZE.
MPI-3.1 books now available in hardcover
1 min read
Similar to previous versions of the standard, the MPI-3.1 standard is now available in hardcover. Even though I have a copy of the MPI-3.1 PDF for quick/easy reference on my laptop, I find something intangibly inherently useful (and comforting?) in having a paper copy of the standard to thumb through. The books have been (literally) […]
MPI-3.1: It’s official!
1 min read
Woo hoo! MPI 3.1 votes: aside from one organization who had the leave before the final vote, the MPI Forum unanimously voted to approve MPI-3.1. Get your fresh, hot copy of the MPI-3.1 specification (I’m told that physical books will become available in the coming months for those who are interested — can you guess […]
MPI 3.1: coming soon to an implementation near you
1 min read
The next MPI Forum meeting will be in Portland, OR, USA, in early March. One of the major topics on the agenda will be voting on the MPI 3.1 standard. You might be wondering what’s new in MPI-3.1. I’m glad you asked.