
MPI-3.1 hardcover bookSimilar to previous versions of the standard, the MPI-3.1 standard is now available in hardcover.

Even though I have a copy of the MPI-3.1 PDF for quick/easy reference on my laptop, I find something intangibly inherently useful (and comforting?) in having a paper copy of the standard to thumb through.

The books have been (literally) spanning the color spectrum:

  • MPI 2.1: hardcover was yellow
  • MPI 2.2: hardcover was orange
  • MPI 3.0: hardcover was green
  • MPI 3.1: hardcover is blue

The books are available at cost — yes, that’s right: this is not a profit-generating endeavor — by the good people at HLRS (specifically, through the efforts of Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner and his team).

Click here to be taken to the HLRS web site, where you can click-through to purchase the book in Euros or US dollars.

  • 19.50 Euro + shipping
  • $23 USD + shipping

The MPI-3.1 blue book is 38oz of parallel computing goodness.


Jeff Squyres

The MPI Guy

UCS Platform Software