intelligent communities
Intelligent Communities Global Blog Series, The Future of Our Smart Communities: Services
3 min read
One of the great challenges every municipality faces is how to deliver higher quality services to its citizens and businesses while their budgets consistently seem to shrink. Several of Canada’s leading communities are taking a pro-active role and are experimenting with shared services (an outsourcing or regional consolidation model); and almost all of them are […]
Intelligent Communities Global Blog Series, Taichung Sets the Stage (Perspective from Louis Zacharilla, Co-Founder of th …
4 min read
The Taiwan city of Taichung was in the spotlight twice this year. Not bad for a place few had heard of in most parts of the Western world – at least until the Academy Awards broadcast in February. During that event, Asian-born director Ang Lee, after being named the recipient of four Oscars for his […]
Intelligent Communities Global Blog Series, How to Be the Most Intelligent Community in the World?
2 min read
One of the questions I was asked about the awards given by the Intelligent Community Forum is what does it take to become an intelligent community. I’ll try to summarize what I’ve learned from participating in the ICF as a keynoter, juror and (before Cisco) a leader of a Top 7 community. Among the few […]
Cloud for Local Government Global Blog Series, From “Techno” Tears to Confidence (Perspective from Louis Zacharilla, …
5 min read
Not long ago this joke was buzzing around the Internet: Question: Why was the computer late to work? Answer: Because it had a hard drive. David Letterman does not have to look over his shoulder but the corny little joke is loaded with possibilities for a discussion about the power of the Cloud and communities. […]