IBM partnership
Cisco MDS 9000 and IBM FICON: Just Got Married Again
2 min read
Cisco MDS 9000 series (IBM C-series SAN switches) and IBM mainframe FICON are celebrating 16 years togehter. With the Cisco NX OS 8.4(2b) release, the Cisco MDS 9000 series is once again at the center of customers' preferences when it comes to both FICON and Fibre Channel switching.
Fiscal Year Challenge: Anticipation vs. Anxiety
3 min read
We are at our best when we choose Anticipation over Anxiety. It’s not always simple; as you face uncertainty, you can think the worst is going to happen and get nervous, or you can think the best thing is going to happen and get excited.
IBM and Cisco Expand their Global Strategic Partnership with a Hybrid Cloud Announcement
2 min read
I’m pleased to share the latest extension to this partnership, a reference architecture—IBM Cloud Private—on Cisco’s hyperconverged infrastructure—Cisco HyperFlex and HyperFlex Edge.