More crazy MPI ideas: Fault detection and recovery
3 min read
I had a good conversation with an ISV yesterday who makes a popular MPI-based simulation application. One of the things I like to do in these kinds of conversations is ask the ISV engineers two questions: What new features do you want from the MPI implementations that you use? What new features or changes do you want […]
Libfabric paper at IEEE Hot Interconnects
1 min read
Later today, Sean Hefty will present a paper about the OpenFabrics Interfaces (a.k.a. “libfabric“) at the 2015 IEEE Hot Interconnects conference. Libfabric is the next-generation Linux library being developed by an open source consortium of vendors and academic researchers that implements the OpenFabrics Interfaces, specifically designed to expose application-focused networking functionality to high performance applications (e.g., MPI, PGAS, […]
MPI outside of C and Fortran (part 2)
2 min read
In my previous blog entry, I answered a user question about how MPI defines its global constants, specifically in the context of interactions with other languages. I went beyond that answer, and also explained why MPI does not define an ABI. In this entry, I’ll go into the “how does MPI interact with other languages?” part […]
MPI outside of C and Fortran
4 min read
Recently, a reader asked me about how MPI defines its global constants. More specifically, the user was asking how MPI defines its interactions with languages other than C and Fortran (i.e., the two officially-supported language bindings). This is a good question, and has implications on both the MPI standards documents and various MPI implementations. Let’s dive […]
EuroMPI 2015 Call for participation
1 min read
EuroMPI 2015 is presented in cooperation with ACM and SIGHPC in Bordeaux France, 21st – 23rd September, 2015. EuroMPI is the prime annual meeting for researchers, developers, and students in message-passing parallel computing with MPI and related paradigms. Deadline of early registration is Sept 1st, 2015
Open MPI new versioning scheme and roadmap
1 min read
Open MPI recently updated its version numbering scheme and development roadmap. This new scheme aims to provide more semantic information in the Open MPI “A.B.C” version number to both end users and system administrators.
MPI-3.1: It’s official!
1 min read
Woo hoo! MPI 3.1 votes: aside from one organization who had the leave before the final vote, the MPI Forum unanimously voted to approve MPI-3.1. Get your fresh, hot copy of the MPI-3.1 specification (I’m told that physical books will become available in the coming months for those who are interested — can you guess […]
MPI newbie: What is “operating system bypass”?
3 min read
The term “operating system bypass” (or “OS bypass”) is typically tossed around in MPI and HPC conversations; it’s generally something that is considered a “must have” in order to get good performance with many MPI applications. But what is it? And if it’s good for performance, why don’t all applications use OS bypass?
That Jonathan Dursi blog entry
2 min read
Jonathan Dursi recently posted a fairly controversial blog entry entitled “HPC is dying, and MPI is killing it.” Some people immediately dismissed the blog post (and its followups) as trolling. Others praised Jonathan for bringing up the issues. Brock Palen and I recently chatted with Jonathan about this blog entry on RCE-Cast.