data virtualization day
Data Vault and Data Virtualization: Double Agility
2 min read
Rick van der Lans is data virtualization’s leading independent analyst. So when he writes a new white paper, any enterprise that is struggling to connect all their data (which is pretty much every enterprise), would be wise to check it out. Rick’s latest is Data Vault and Data Virtualization: Double Agility. In a nutshell, the […]
Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower
2 min read
Steve Jobs is arguably the most amazing innovator of our times. I recently read some of his thoughts on innovation. His statement “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower,” caused me to reflect upon my eight-year association with data virtualization, and consider who in the IT analyst community have been the innovative leaders. Since […]
Rocky Mountains High On Data Virtualization
2 min read
I recently returned from my seventh annual Boulder BI Brain Trust presentation. The BBBT as everyone likes to call it, is unique in the business intelligence, data and analytics industry. Since 2006, the BBBT has advanced this industry by organizing half-day vendor presentations to their over 140 members. During these presentations, vendors such as the […]
New Horizons, New Possibilities: Announcing Data Virtualization Day 2014
1 min read
With Big Data, the Cloud and the Internet of Everything transforming our world, the possibilities are staggering. And status quo means falling behind. These truths drive Data Virtualization Day 2014’s theme: New Horizons, New Possibilities. This year marks the fifth anniversary of Data Virtualization Day, the premier data virtualization industry event, where IT leaders […]
Call for Nominations: 2014 Data Virtualization Leadership Awards
1 min read
The Data Virtualization Leadership Awards recognize organizations for data virtualization initiatives with significant business impact, agility and innovation. Has your organization executed a data initiative with significant business impact, agility or innovation that should be celebrated? Do you know a champion whose efforts have driven data virtualization success in your organization and beyond? If so, […]