cyber threat

November 18, 2022


Undersea Cables and Cyber Physical Risks.

3 min read

Consider how disruption to submarine cables might adversely affect the security requirements and availability of your network connections.

October 28, 2014


#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep 38. Threat Focused Firewall

1 min read

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re talking with Cisco Product Marketing Manager Dave Stuart, about the threat focused firewall. Brian Remmel (@bremmel) moderates and Antonio Cheltenham, Jason Alert and Sven Kutzer are this week’s Cisco Champion guest hosts. Listen to the Podcast. Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE. […]

June 30, 2014


Is Your Team Prepared for a Cyber Attack? Get Ready with CyberRange Training

1 min read

The fire alarm went off in my building again, but fortunately, it was only a drill. By now, we are all used to the periodic fire drills for emergency preparedness in our workplaces. But have you ever wondered if there is a similar exercise possible for a cyber attack? The same logic applies. Your team […]