
October 8, 2024


How IT Does IT for an IT Company

3 min read

Every minute an employee spends struggling with a system is a minute they are not doing the work they were hired to do and the work they are passionate about. IT has a unique responsibility to alleviate that friction and transform the user experience. Cisco CIO Fletcher Previn discusses the unique role and responsibility of IT in driving culture change and enhancing employee experience in enterprise organizations.

January 28, 2020


When Apps are from Mars and Infrastructure is from Venus, how do you accelerate your Hybrid Applications?

3 min read

While some vendors provide visibility into either applications or an individual tier of physical or virtual infrastructure, Cisco is the first to bridge all three layers with insight and proactive optimization.

July 19, 2018


Cisco on Cisco: DevNet Through the Lens of a Cisco IT Intern

6 min read

IT is undergoing major structural changes as infrastructure becomes digitized. automation to our infra, analytics on the infra, and use of Machine Learning. A CCIP intern in Cisco IT shares her perspective.

February 12, 2018


Future IT: The Who, How, What, and Why

4 min read

Future IT brings together the best people and teams, who work in a dynamic and agile way to drive continuous innovation and deliver unprecedented outcomes.

December 6, 2013


Summary : Sourcefire in our Data Center by Cisco Chief Security Officer

1 min read

            Last October , Cisco confirmed that Sourcefire was now part of our family of security...