
Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is more flexible and lets you tell your story on the range of channels that buyers frequent. You can start small by testing proven tactics like email nurture programs, paid advertising, and social media. Then you can optimize and scale your campaigns as you grow.

Planning Considerations

The more relevant, interesting, and nonintrusive your digital strategy is, the more likely it is you’ll reach your intended audience. Here are some tips on creating a seamless conversation to boost your brand and move your business forward.

  • Tie goals to your mission statement
  • Use goal setting ACES: A(chieve) C(onserve) E(liminate) S(teer clear)
  • Define your audience
  • Create personas

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation lets you synchronize efforts on every channel, from email and social to SEO and paid search, and across every device to deliver a seamless conversation. It also crosses a wide range of initiatives with many key benefits:

  • Lead nurturing
  • Relationship marketing
  • Multitouch revenue attribution
  • Program ROI analytics
  • Revenue cycle metrics

Website Evaluation

Your website is one of the most effective channels for attracting and retaining customers. But do you have the right tools to engage website visitors in personalized conversations?

To assess the quality of your website, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  • Accuracy
  • Authority
  • Objectivity
  • Currency
  • Coverage
  • Accessibility
  • Design

Responsive Design

Responsive design is a modern approach to web, email, and landing page design that ensures that your content is readable and consumable on any device, such as your desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone. It creates a consistent and engaging user experience on any device including:

  • Website and landing pages
  • Email Design

As a Cisco partner, you have a wealth of resources at your fingertips—all designed to help you stay one step ahead of the game. Be sure to explore each of these resources for even more information on digital readiness.

For more best practices, guidance and resources, download the Digital Readiness Guide PDF here.

Happy marketing!


Kelsey Jensen

Product Marketing Manager

Small Business Marketing