
Partner-Weekly-Rewind-v2Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here’s what you might have missed this week:

Off the Top

Richard McLeod stopped by the Channels Blog this week and dared partners to be bold in collaboration. Coming off a fabulously successful Collaboration Summit, Richard reiterated his mantra of “dare to be bold” around four key imperatives.

If you attended Collaboration Summit, check out Richard’s follow up blog and reinforce the lessons from the event. Even if you didn’t attend Collaboration Summit, Richard’s blog is a great place to catch up on what you might have missed.

Revenue-Generation Marketing

Sherri Liebo has been talking about revenue-generation marketing lately, and she’s not the only one. Cisco held a tweet chat around best practices in revenue-generation marketing on November 20.

In that tweet chat, revenue-generation marketing experts from The Pedowitz Group, Adcap Network Systems, and Mi6 Agency discussed best practices and provided some key takeaways for partners.

Educate yourself on what Revenue Marketing is and what it can mean for you as a partner. Review the tweet chat and join the conversation!

Good Reads

Keep An Eye Out


David Durham

Content Strategist
