Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here’s what you might have missed this week:
Wow, winter seems to have taken hold early this year. Here in North Carolina, we are certainly seeing colder temperatures than normal this time of year. My dogs certainly seem to appreciate a warm spot on the couch more these past few days.
Even though temps are dropping outside, we are, of course, keeping the fires going here at Cisco. Even as we are heading toward the holiday season where we will all enjoy some time with friends and family, we still have a lot going on for partners. Here’s a little recap of the week!
Off the Top
As part of our Partner Voices series, we like to highlight the successes of our partners using Cisco products and services to solve customer issues. This week, we had the opportunity to speak with MCPc about a recent airport project they completed.
In addition, we learned some really interesting facts in our discussion with MCPc. For instance, since the beginning of 2013, MCPc has used Cisco Telepresence internally for more than 4,320 hours of cumulative communication!
Be sure to check out the most recent Partner Voices blog and let us know what you think.
Capture Your Share of Midmarket Revenue
Find out how Cisco can help you capture your share of midmarket revenue by visiting the Midsize Business Solutions Page. Cisco is committed to giving you the advantage with midsize customers so be sure to review the latest updates.
Good Reads
- Jim Grubb examines infrastructure to capture the Internet of Everything
- Rex Backman shows how the NHL’s Minnesota Wild and Cisco UCS go together
- Mike Bollman invites you to see how UCS Director can work for you
- Hans Hwang takes a look at collaboration infrastructure
- Ian Foddering looks back at the Internet of Everything in 2013
Keep An Eye Out
- Swing by the Cisco Partner Event calendar for the latest information on Cisco partner gatherings.