Today’s hyperconnected hospital users—patients, clinicians, administrators, and more—expect increasingly sophisticated digital experiences, including remote consultations, in-room services, and location-aware mobile services.
Beyond user expectations, the number of IoT-enabled devices on the network—such as connected medical devices and equipment—is exploding. Globally, machine-to-machine (M2M) connections in healthcare are expected to grow 5x from 2015 (144M) to 2020 (729M), representing a huge increase in IP traffic. [1]
“The network has never been more critical to business success, but it’s also never been under more pressure,” said Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins when unveiling the network of the future. At present, 67% of organizations identify legacy network infrastructure as a bottleneck to IT. [2]
These growing expectations and connections in healthcare mean your network needs to be digital ready. It must be more flexible to enable faster innovation. Operations must be simplified to reduce network-management costs. Above all, the healthcare network must be protected against threats.
Keep up with the pace of change to ensure your continued success. Check out the infographic below to learn how hospital networks can evolve from manual, rigid, and device-centric to automated and flexible.
Stay tuned for three more installments in our Cisco DNA for Healthcare blog series, which focuses on opportunities to improve business outcomes, network security for healthcare, and what you can do to make your hospital digital ready.
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