
Kyle Roach

Healthcare Solution Architect

Customer Experience (CX)

Kyle Roach is a Healthcare Solutions Architect with Cisco's CX healthcare team. He has years of experience with Electronic Health Record (EHR) installations and deployments, automation, cloud journeys, scalable infrastructure, endpoint design, and security methodologies. As part of the CX healthcare team, he drives many of the practices around smart hospitals, security modernization (Zero trust, SASE, segmentation), cloud journeys, and EHR-scalable infrastructure.


May 4, 2023


Interested in better securing your EHR?

3 min read

The threat of cyberattacks in healthcare continues to grow as the industry faces the arduous task of securing highly valuable and sensitive information in Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Learn how to implement a strategy of microsegmentation to better secure your EHR system.