
Josh King

Solutions Engineer

US Public Sector

I have 19 years combined experience in IT as a Systems Architect, 7 of those at Cisco Systems. I am currently part of Cisco's US Public Sector, where I serve as an advisor on several AI/ML leadership teams. Outside of technology, I owned an arrowsmithing/bowyering business for 2 years, as well as a pop-up ramen shop. Current interests include writing fantasy novels and blacksmithing. Why yes...it IS likely I have ADHD. Why do you ask? I've been married to Rev. Meriah Tigner for 3 years. We are currently raising a very feisty 1-year-old. Please send coffee.


June 13, 2024


Education 4.0: The Role of AI in Transforming Education

4 min read

UNESCO's latest report finds many hurdles to better education worldwide. As we seek an Education 4.0 environment, can AI make a difference?