Cisco Blogs / Edwin de Boer
Edwin de Boer
Vice President, Supply Chain Transformation
Supply Chain Operations (SCO)
Edwin de Boer has worked at Cisco Systems for more than twenty years, joining Cisco in The Netherlands just after the start-up of the European Operations Centre. He has worked in Asia, Europe and the United States. He is currently working at Cisco headquarters in San Jose, USA.
Edwin is the Vice President of Supply Chain Transformation. He plays a critical role in enabling the success of the Supply Chain. His team develops and sets the Supply Chain strategy; they manage the transformation agenda, including the portfolio management process, business architecture, and experimentation in Supply Chain; they seamlessly integrate acquisitions; they manage the security and mitigate the vulnerability of the Supply Chain; and they are creating a sustainable future while driving circular economy principles across Cisco. Edwin is also coordinating efforts for Supply Chain’s contribution to Cisco Operations, including alignment to the global transformation agenda.
Other passions beside work are his family, but also golf and sailing if time allows. Australia has his special attention, as he grew up in Melbourne.