
Imagine a future where data, processes and people are all digitally connected to provide real-time insights that change the user experience for the better. No need to wait. You can experience that future today. Forward looking businesses today are transforming themselves into digital enterprises. The choice is disrupt or be disrupted. Are you ready to get connected? Learn how with Cisco connected platforms.


Connected processes, connected analytics and connected experiences work in concert to complete an organization’s digital transformation. System and operational improvements provide the analytics and processes needed to drive new customer interactions. To define requirements for user experience, evaluation of input and actions of all participants and their modes of connection are necessary. The goal is to enable people to seamlessly and transparently access and interact with hyper-distributed centers of data, whether via smartphones, tablets, laptops, or specialized devices, so they can make and act on informed decisions. In other words, it’s about delivering the personal and/or professionally-relevant information that an individual needs, when and where they need it, and in the best way for them to understand or apply it.

To learn about developing requirements for connected experiences and see how a large international hotel chain is innovating for better guest interactions, read more in my article Insights to Interactions: Defining New Connected User Experiences.




Mala Anand

No Longer with Cisco