image patching
Accelerate and Simplify – Guiding Principles in the Design of New Software Image Upgrade and Patching Solutions
5 min read
How the Cisco IOS XE team of developers is changing the paradigm of how enterprise networking image upgrades are done. It has huge cost, time, productivity, and security implications for Cisco customers around the globe and the functionality and safety of their wide array of network devices.
Cisco and Unidesk: How to Simplify and Scale VDI with Citrix, Microsoft, or VMware
4 min read
Posted on behalf of Ramesh Chitor, Cisco Systems and Tom Rose, Unidesk It’s no secret that desktop virtualization has taken longer than everyone expected. As most enterprises will attest and as Gartner research confirms, the two main culprits are cost and complexity. Top Issues That Limit VDI Deployments Source: Is the Hosted Virtual Desktop Market […]