The Journey You Need To Take To Deliver IT As A Service
3 min read
Previously I talked about the growing demands and how the role of IT has to change from a cost center to a business strategic partner. It’s important to acknowledge that getting an organization to the point where it can implement IT as a Service isn’t easy, nor does it take place all at once. Every customer has […]
Cisco at Garner DC Las Vegas : A pragmatic view and approach of the evolution of the data center in the era of clouds an …
2 min read
As expected a lot of talks, sessions and interest this year about the reality of the cloud deployment and hybrid cloud at Gartner DC Las Vegas. Cisco is now perceived as a very credible player in cloud – In fact a quick electronic poll from the audience during one of the key notes speechs ranked […]
What Is Cisco UNIFIED FABRIC? Why Should You Care?
3 min read
Is your network ready to help you transform and be the strategic partner that you can be? Let’s face it… Today’s data centers are challenged with siloed resources and facilities… Limited scalability… Poor resource utilization… Growing complexity…Perhaps the biggest challenge is time. When 80% of your resources are dedicated to “keeping the lights on” and […]