Cisco Prime DCNM

October 31, 2018


Building a Next-Generation Broadcast Engineering Team

2 min read

Cisco’s IP Fabric for Media training is designed to help your engineers gain these invaluable skills. It’s a critical step to ensure you’re getting the most out of your technology investments.

June 19, 2017


Where’s my Endpoint?

2 min read

Is there a way to know what endpoints are alive within your data center at this moment? Is it possible to continuously monitor the life of every endpoint – be it a Virtual Machine (VM), a physical host or even a container ? Enter Endpoint Locator or EPL! With DCNM available as a manager for […]

December 5, 2013


Automated Fabric Provisioning Using Cisco Prime DCNM

2 min read

Do you have a need for automated provisioning of your data center? Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) might just provide that solution. DCNM is designed to help you efficiently implement, visualize, and manage the Cisco Unified Fabric. The need today in the datacenter is for a comprehensive management platform that delivers visibility as […]