
“Live” events are the holy-grail in media and entertainment. Whether it’s live sports, live news, or other live programming, “Live” is the most valuable, most difficult and most impactful type of production that can be done regardless of genre.

Our own version of “Live”, Cisco Live US, is about to take place, with over 27,000 attendees in person and over 200,000 viewers watching online. Cisco Live connects our technology solutions to our customers and partners while showcasing the latest innovation with 4 Keynote presentations, 23 Innovation Showcase sessions, 31 original Cisco stories & sponsor content. Cisco Live also has 78 hours of continuous streaming, including 36 hours of live and 42 hours of replay content pushed to www.ciscolive.com, www.cisco.com, YouTube and Facebook.

At Cisco Live 2017, we are taking the IP innovation in media & entertainment and showcasing it in a couple of ways. First we have created an innovative Media education “track” that many of our customers will get to experience, which will explore topics such as OTT, IP Broadcast, Security and Virtualization all done via live workshops from some of the best in the industry presenting.

The second way we are showcasing “Live” is by collaborating with our CiscoTV colleagues, Cisco’s in house broadcast production group. Together we will fully produce the entire show, Live, and in IP. The technology foundation for this live production is our Cisco IP Fabric for Media solution integrated with our partner, EVS,  and their newly launched broadcast controller named BCIP. Collaborating with CiscoTV is a great example of working in this holy-grail environment and putting our own innovation and partnerships on full display.

This innovation leverages the best in class technology from both companies: our Cisco IP Fabric for Media solution including DCNM (Data Center Network Manager) integrated via a set of open API’s into the BCIP platform to provide a turnkey workflow delivered by EVS.  The technology and services provided by EVS for CiscoTV producing Cisco Live are those same technology & services that you would see in any Live event whether that be at a stadium, broadcast studio or newsroom. This type of Live event is indeed the “home turf” of our partners at EVS who have built a 25 year-old company focused on Live Production and making it their sweet spot with tools like Slow Motion Instant Replay, IP Based Switchers,  other production related solutions including its newest BCIP and why having them partner with CiscoTV was a natural fit!

We are thrilled to work with innovative colleagues like CiscoTV and tremendous partners such as EVS to rock the holy grail of Live production at Cisco Live 2017!


Bryan Bedford

Global Industry Director: Retail, Hospitality, Sports, Media and Entertainment

Global Partner Organization