We’re here in Barcelona for the opening of Mobile World Congress 2015, and the energy is palpable. I have to say I’m pretty excited myself as Cisco unveils a new way of doing business with our service provider customers: Cisco Mobility IQ. Mobility IQ changes the conversation from what the network does, to what value it can create. It provides real-time intelligence for network operations, marketing and business development across Wi-Fi, 3G and LTE networks. By giving providers visual network knowledge for driving new business, you can monetize your network in new ways.
When I say it changes the conversation, this is not marketing hype. Over the past few months I’ve been involved in these conversations with ten pilot customers. In one example we worked with an operator to estimate the ROI on running Mobility IQ on their existing network. We looked at results over a five year period and found a 65% savings in operations costs, a 37% revenue uplift for business customers, and a 25% reduction in time to market for new services.
These cost savings come from the ease of running Mobility IQ on Cisco Cloud Services without the need to add new infrastructure, and from the visual intelligence it delivers that will help providers create new service offers, enable retailers to better understand the flow of traffic in their stores, advertisers to deliver more targeted value, hotels to receive real-time, actionable information about customer trends to make better commercial decisions. This is a concept I’ve been talking about for quite some time – providing innovative solutions designed to save money, and make money.
We plan to have some fun with Mobility IQ this week. Visit the Graffiti Wall at the Artist Rambla Networking Garden between halls 3 and 5 where each day we’ll be posting some of the insights we’re gathering from the network right here at the show. Stop by our booth at Hall 3 #3E30 to see Mobility IQ in action. Is your network trying to tell you something about your business? Let’s have that conversation on social and hashtag all your posts with #CiscoMWC.
See you in Barcelona!