The registration is now open and there is still time left to respond to the call for papers for the upcoming FIRST Technical Colloquium April 7-8, 2014. Please contact us at for speaker engagements. The event already has an exciting preliminary program covering:
- Savvy Attribution in the DNS – Using DNS to Geo-locate Malicious Actors
- Beyond Zone File Access: Discovering interesting Domain Names Using Passive DNS
- DNStap: High speed DNS logging without packet capture
- CVSS v3 – This One Goes to 11
- Securing the Internet Against DDoS Attacks
- Threat Actor Techniques
- Mitigating Attacks Targeting Administrator Credentials in the Enterprise
- Hardware: The root of trust in the cloud
- Targeted attack case study
- What does an enterprise monitor for targeted attacks? – CSIRT Playbook II
- Security uses for hadoop & big data
- OpenSOC
- Using HBASE for Packet capture
And many more current issues facing the incident response community. Learn how organizations operationalize intelligence to mitigate and detect advanced threats.
The event’s line-up includes so far already notables from Cisco Security Intelligence Operations (SIO), Symantec, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Farsight. Looking forward to A great TC!