
CiscoChampion200PXbadge#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll be talking about Cisco Learning Network (CLN) Updates with Cisco Learning Network Community Managers Matt Saunders and Brett Lovins.

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Cisco SME
Matt Saunders, @citylifematt, Cisco Learning Network Community Manager
Brett Lovins, @brettlovins, Cisco Learning Network Community Manager

Cisco Champion Guest Hosts
Ryan Adzima, @radzima, Infrastructure Engineer, Mobility Architect
Ryan Booth, @that1guy_15, Network Engineer

Rachel Bakker (@RBakker)

Cisco Learning Network (CLN) Updates
Benefits of CLN
Resources for CCIE candidates
Premium CLN Content
Free CLN resources
New ACI training offerings
CLN VIP Program

CLN Home Page
CCIE R&S Tech Seminars
Unleashing CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 CLN blog series
Cisco CCIE Lab Builder
CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0
CLN Premium Subscriptions
CCNA RS Study Sessions
IT Training Videos

Cisco Champion Radio New design looks cool – https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/welcome
MattSaunders https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/community/learning_center/ccie-rs-tech-seminars
MattSaunders https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/blogs/unleashing-ccie-rs
childebrandt42 I personally have found the site extremely helpful in doing the CCNA-DC
@ChrisKnowsIT Any comments\concerns regarding the 3rd party training materials, specifically CBT\videos, done by vendors (ex- INE, CBT Nuggets, etc)?
BrettLovins CCIE Lab Builder: https://learningnetworkstore.cisco.com/cisco-ccie-lab-builder
BrettLovins https://learningnetworkstore.cisco.com/ccie-routing-and-switching-v5-0
childebrandt42 I have had seen some good videos from CBT and Pluralsight.
ntwrk80 Any emphasis on the roads less traveled in terms of learning support for CCDP ARCH, CCNP Wireless, etc in terms of learning tools?
BrettLovins CLN Premium info link: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/community/premium-subscriptions
@ChrisKnowsIT Thanks for the insight Ryan
that1guy15 NP
BrettLovins https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/community/learning_center/ccna_rs_study_sessions_live
MattSaunders https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/community/learning_center/it_training_videos
cpartsenidis Regarding contributing to the community with content, is any content submitted automatically becomes copyright property of Cisco ?
cpartsenidis I had this issue with my website Firewall.cx, which was a bit of a problem 🙂
BrettLovins Acceptable Use Agreement for CLN: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/docs/DOC-23937
cpartsenidis Thanks Brett.
MattSaunders Cisco does not claim any ownership rights in any text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, works of authorship or other materials that Users upload…
cpartsenidis Yes, I just read that part Matt – sounds like things have become more flexible
MattSaunders 🙂
cpartsenidis Thanks guys for your time and useful information –
MattSaunders You’re welcome, thank you! 🙂


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

Digital and Social