
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week Mike Korenbaum, Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco, joins Cisco Champions Rick Vanover (@RickVanover) and Peter Revill (@CCIERants). The topic is the new collaboration with Akamai. Cisco’s Lauren Friedman (@Lauren) guest hosts.


Listen to the Podcast

Cisco Subject Matter Expert:
Mike Korenbaum, Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco

Cisco Champion:
Rick Vanover (@RickVanover), Peter Revill (@CCIERants)

What is Akamai Connect
Benefits of Akamai Connect
What does Akamai Connect mean for Cisco WAAS
Technical and real world use case examples

RickVanover ACI Application Centric Infrastructure, a broad reaching strategy
ccierants a CDN
LaurenFriedman @Rick – you get to ask questions out loud this week
RickVanover yeah, I have one after Mike is done with this
CommsNinja #outloudvoice
ccierants i have a few questions but very technical in nature. Please let me know when im OK to ask (i hate to accidently interrupt)
RickVanover Go for it CCIERants after this thought is completed
RickVanover YO Marco!
RickVanover Current status: Marketecture / Beta
GideonTam Good question, Peter!
RickVanover I got 3 Internets on my USB key in my pocket
LaurenFriedman Good job, Jewel
RickVanover Would anyone throw anything at me if I asked about security?
LaurenFriedman Go for it
ccierants Thanks Gideon!
RickVanover I always clean my wan pipes before I upgrade them
RickVanover Easy Eh’? (Was Canadian for a bit there)
ccierants i have a funny story about that
ccierants i would like to tell when he’s finished
ccierants ha ha it’s long and might be boring
RickVanover Lauren – if you want Funny you are in the wrong biz
LaurenFriedman I am totally in the best business
LaurenFriedman Make the story concise
RickVanover Good question – Games first
LaurenFriedman that’s my “value add” for this week
LaurenFriedman whoa bold
LaurenFriedman -italics?-
ccierants second most important question coming
RickVanover So I’m trying to ask a question he says No to, Don’t think it’s possible. Mike is Boss
LaurenFriedman @rick Huh?
RickVanover !Italics!
LaurenFriedman italics
RickVanover &ITalics*
Billyc5022 If a branch has an ISR-AX router with this Akamai/WAAS with local internet handoff, is a central WAAS still required?
RickVanover @Billy AFAIK – YES
RickVanover But I just started using the Internet today – so take it with a grain of salt.
LaurenFriedman More questions guys?
LaurenFriedman & Gals
RickVanover It’s one of those “MSRP $10, As Shown $250000”
LaurenFriedman Hey Everyone: Going to wrap up in the next 5-10 minutes. Get your questions in!
ccierants can i beta test it?
crajohns6965 is logged into the chat
ccierants i run waas at home.. yes my life is that sad
RickVanover WYKB – Who You Know Beta
RickVanover LOL
ccierants between my house in perth australia and my apartment here in new jersey
LaurenFriedman @Ccisrants – I want to do a video of your office
Stilgar LOL
GideonTam LOL!
RickVanover You run waas for network stuff but FTP for backup?
ccierants ha ha easier and free
RickVanover That’s like a computer controlled typewriter
RickVanover “Right to use | License for Waas” – THAT WOULD BE VIRAL NERD VIDEO
ccierants i swear my vWAAS 750 image i have with it’s honor based licensing is 100 percent legit


Rachel Bakker

Social Media Advocacy Manager

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