If you visited the Cisco booth at last week’s ATA 2013 conference, you might have had the opportunity to speak onsite with a member of the Cisco Grants Strategy Team. But if you didn’t, we want you to know that the Cisco Grants Strategy Team is still available to help.
We find that many organizations struggle to identify funding sources for telehealth projects. The Cisco Grants Strategy Team can help by researching Federal, State and Foundation grant opportunities that align with your organization’s needs.
The mission of the Cisco Grants team is to:
- Deliver grant education/training and funding research services
- Offer feedback on applicant eligibility and project competitiveness
- Provide targeted grant application and writing support
- Consult on post-funding project implementations
Cisco also offers a series of webcasts to help you learn more about specific grant opportunities. Upcoming webcasts include:
Funding Public Health and Prevention Efforts
May 21, 2013
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Join Grants Office and special guests from Cisco as we discuss:
- Positioning projects for specific grant programs, such as Prevention and Public Health Fund Coordinated Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Program and the Public Prevention Health Fund: Community Transformation Grants
- Integrating technology and equipment into projects and proposals, including chronic disease management tracking software and other mHealth solutions
- Examples of previously funded projects
- Tips for successful community-wide collaboration amongst local governments (public health departments), providers, patients and policy-makers.
Funding School Based Health Centers
July 23, 2013
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Join Grants Office and special guests from Cisco as we discuss:
- The latest information on the future of federal funding for SBHCs and their capital improvement projects
- Specific strategies and tips for positioning a winning application to HRSA through SBHCC or any future programming
- Writing technology and equipment, such as telehealth capabilities into SBHCC proposals
- Leveraging national, regional and local foundations for SBHC projects
To learn more about Healthcare Technology solutions and available grant funding, please contact your Cisco Account Manager or Regional Grants Manager at grantquestions@cisco.com.