
Many of you know that Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) provides end-to-end automation to design and deliver services much faster. At NSO Developer Days we get together and share experiences and learn from each other. Did you miss NSO Developer Days 2020? Don’t worry, on NSO Dev Center you will find the New Hub for NSO Developer Days 2020 Content!

Shifting focus from delivery to storage

We spend a great deal of time and effort preparing our annual events which are over in just a couple days. We record the presentations and provide slide decks after the event. Still, it is not enough. In the fierce competition with everything else in the media landscape, we risk disappearing in the noise.

We need to do a better job to leverage the value that we develop. Why do I say that? Because over the years I keep getting the same questions about where to find certain recordings or slide decks from our events. My response has always been, go to NSO Developer Hub and search for e.g. “NSO Developer Days 2020” and you will find it. So far everyone has to my knowledge succeeded after a few attempts, but how many gave up or didn’t even bother to ask in the first place?


Despite blogs with links and tagged up content to help searching it is obvious that we can do more and that we have underestimated how easy it is to get distracted. It is often easier to keep banging your head against the wall instead of searching for alternatives and best practices, which is the whole point of having a community.

For 2020 we faced the challenge of going virtual. How we present and store the content became more important than ever since we were not able to gather the audience in a theater.  We increased our reach by a factor of 10! But, it was much harder to maintain the same level of engagement as in the in-person event.

So, we conclude that we need to make the information even more

  1. easy to find and share
  2. easy to navigate and consume

Introducing the Developer Days Content Hub

Therefore let us introduce the new NSO Developer Days Content Hub! This is the on-demand repo on DevNet for network automation professionals looking for best practices. As you will see we have divided content into tracks and each session has a title, presenter, and abstract. To keep you focused and stay on the site we use embedded thumbnail links.

To get started I recommend the keynote by Jonathan Davidson, SVP, Mass-scale Infrastructure Group, Cisco. Jonathan explains why automation and NSO in particular is key to the Internet for the Future.

You may want to continue with the True Stories track to learn about real customer experiences. In True Stories, NSO practitioners will talk about how they use NSO in the field. Matt Hayes, Automation Lead, Cox Communications share insights on how to adopt automation to drive business outcomes. The co-development model established with staff from Cox and Cisco CX was crucial to their success.

In another session, Teruhisa Tajima, Software Developer, NTT Communications Corporation talks about multivendor brownfield networks, a very common challenge in the field. Want t0 dive deeper into brownfield networks and service reconciliation? Explore the track From Brownfield Onward.

There is a lot more, but I hope this glimpse was helpful and that it entices you to check it out. While you are at it, don’t forget the NSO Product Management Update by Nils Petter Tisell. It will give you a better understanding of where we are today and where we are going in the future.

All tracks

If you want to save time, jump to the favorite track below:

Keynote & The Stage Sessions Onboarding, Deployment, Essentials True Stories Go 5G with NSO From Brownfield Onward Test & Optimization, Scaling Out, NetDevOps Onboarding, Deployment, Essentials 

For even more NSO learning resources, visit the NSO Dev Center.

Got questions or comments. Please leave me a comment in the space below.

Nicklas Wägerth
Business Developer and NSO Community Lead


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Nicklas Wagerth

Business Development Manager