
DevNet Day is now scheduled for June 18. We appreciate your understanding as we paused to focus on current events. We look forward to joining our extended community of developers. Thank you to all who have registered, you’ll receive confirmation shortly. If you have not yet registered, there’s still time to Register Now.

Shweta DevNet Day IoT

Your favorite DevNet Zone is back in action at this year’s Cisco Live virtual event. And guess what? With more creative, fun, and valuable resources than ever ?!  Along with multiple major technology tracks playing throughout the event, we are going to present you with our very own IoT track!

Cisco IoT technolgies help you securely connect your devices, extract data, compute at the edge, and move data to various applications in your distributed environment, so you can get maximum value from your digitization initiatives. And the DevNet Days IoT track is a great way to explore the tech, ask questions of experts, and have some fun along the way.

IoT track sneak peek

Start Now sessions have always received tremendous love from our community. We continue to keep up this engagement and will be presenting two start now sessions:

Anyone trying to explore the IoT world and catch up on new trends and learning resources are highly encouraged to tune in to these sessions and kickstart their IoT journey!

⚡ Lightning talks – listen to short and insightful tech talks

  • Join Johan Arens when he talks about IR1101 Remote Maintenance
  • Watch how Florian Pachinger is using LORAWAN to create cool use cases with parking sensors at Cisco offices in Frankfurt Germany
  • Interested in happy hour? Look what Kareen Iskander is talking about in IoT Beer 101 ?

Technical Sessions – learn from the experts
Deep dive into some core technology in these technical sessions with Emmanuel Tychon and Naveen Manicka as they take you through

  • Advanced IOx application hosting and
  • Data Governance using Cisco Edge Intelligence

Register now to attend the virtual event, June 18

Join us as we bring the DevNet Zone to you with our first ever Cisco DevNet Day virtual event! We also have some cool giveaways and challenges for you.

Register Now!  Yes, it’s Free ?!

Why wait? Here are IoT resources to get you started now

  • Visit the DevNet IoT Dev Center – Find IoT developer resources by product, read case studies in the Solutions Showcase.
  • Dig in and get your hands on Cisco IoT technologies in the DevNet Sandbox – technology packed Cisco labs. FREE.  24×7 access!
  • Whether you’re getting started or need a programming refresher, the Learning Labs get you started with tutorials covering REST APIs, Python, JavaScript, and other engineering technologies and concepts
  • Unleash the capabilities of the new network with DevNet certifications

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Shweta Palande

Developer Advocate

Cisco Meraki