Welcome back to the final episode of Engineers Unplugged, Season 3! It’s been quite a ride. This week, we take another viewpoint on the hot topic of software defined storage with Mike Slisinger (@slisinger) and Vaughn Stewart (@vstewed). Starting from the application owner’s perspective, this is a great 101 on the choices made on the road to the data center of the future. Let’s listen in:

Welcome to Engineers Unplugged, where technologists talk to each other the way they know best, with a whiteboard. The rules are simple:
- Episodes will publish weekly (or as close to it as we can manage)
- Subscribe to the podcast here: engineersunplugged.com
- Follow the #engineersunplugged conversation on Twitter
- Submit ideas for episodes or volunteer to appear by Tweeting to @CommsNinja
- Practice drawing unicorns
How far up the unicorn scale is your data center in regard to software defined storage? Post a comment below!
Thanks for your viewership and support of Engineers Unplugged. We’ll be on site at VMworld Barcelona, camera and whiteboard markers in hand. If you’ve got show ideas or questions, tweet me @CommsNinja.