Welcome back to Engineers Unplugged. Today, we talk Big Data with Matthew Brender (@mjbrender EMC) and Hans De Leenheer (@hansdeleenheer Veeam). It’s not just a lot of data, it’s what you can do with it. For real world examples, and thoughts on where this is all going, listen in:

But wait, there’s more! We’ve got a second awesome episode this week. Do you live out in the middle of nowhere? Connectivity a problem? No more network blues, just build your own. This is geek ingenuity at its best, courtesy of Andy Sholomon (@asholomon Cisco) and Andy Banta (@andybanta), watch and see:

Welcome to Engineers Unplugged, where technologists talk to each other the way they know best, with a whiteboard. The rules are simple:
- Episodes will publish weekly (or as close to it as we can manage)
- Subscribe to the podcast here: engineersunplugged.com
- Follow the #engineersunplugged conversation on Twitter
- Submit ideas for episodes or volunteer to appear by Tweeting to @CommsNinja
- Practice drawing unicorns
Ideas for the show? Want to be a guest? Contact us above, or like on Facebook.com/engineersunplugged for the inside track. There are a few slots left for shoots at EMC World. Act now!