Earlier this month, Cisco launched the IT Component of North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME), hosting two IT Awareness Days at Camp Lejuene and Fort Bragg in North Carolina. More than 120 transitioning or recently transitioned Service members attended the events, where they learned about North Carolina’s growing IT industry.
Service members have the technical expertise and soft skills — like leadership and teamwork —that employers seek. But often, they do not know how to make connections or brand themselves appropriately for civilian jobs. The IT Awareness Days gave them the chance to do just that.

Fourteen Cisco volunteers shared information on top IT careers and provided resume writing and interview tips at both locations. Attendees received a warm welcome from base commanders, including Lieutenant General Gary McKissock and Major General Jefforey A. Smith.
State volunteers, including North Carolina’s Chief Information Officer, Keith Werner, and Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Eric Ellis joined Cisco partners The Select Group and KForce, as well as MetLife, the other founding partner of NC4ME, at the events.

“I am very grateful of what those amazing folks have done for our country and love offering a hand to help in any way I can,” said Chris Rapley, manager of branch operations for The Select Group, who led a small roundtable discussion on IT careers.
Meghan Jones, Personal and Professional Development Program Manager at MCSS Lejuene-New River, believes the events truly benefited the attending service members.
“I truly believe this event impacted so many transitioning and veteran Marines by giving them insight and knowledge on the IT sector that they would most likely not had the opportunity to obtain on their own,” she said.
Cisco’s active and ongoing support of transitioning military and veterans connects a diverse group of men and women, who have the commitment, experience and leadership skills needed for IT careers at Cisco, our customers and partners.
To learn more about Cisco’s Veterans Program, please visit csr.cisco.com