Cisco Blogs / Kevin Davenport / Page 3
Kevin Davenport
Cisco’s Global Solutions Manager
Industrial Intelligence
Kevin Davenport brings over seventeen years of industrial automation and manufacturing leadership to his role as Cisco’s Global Solutions Manager for Industrial Intelligence. He is responsible for creating, driving and delivering Cisco’s integrated and scalable whole offer market and industry strategies for our manufacturing and industrial automation customers.
As a young kid Kevin’s fascination with Lincoln Logs, Legos and Erector sets created a passion to pursue a career in the manufacturing and automation industry. He has worked at Pacific Gas and Electric, Applied Materials, Omron Electronics and Beckhoff Automation where he has engineered, and created marketing and sales strategies for a diverse set of manufacturing and automated applications ranging from discrete machine control to tightly integrated process control systems.
Kevin is looking forward to having open and collaborative dialogue with fellow blog readers who share an interest and passion for creating disruptive technology and applications that will transform the way people connect and build.