Cisco Blogs / Siddhant Dash
Siddhant Dash

AI/ML Product Manager
AI @ Cisco Security
Siddhant Dash, an AI/ML Product Manager at Cisco's AI @ Security Business Group (SBG), harnesses his knowledge in cloud security, generative AI, and machine learning to develop state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions that protect organizations from intricate attacks.
His experience spans across Armorblox (acquired by Cisco), VMware, and National University of Singapore(NUS), where he has contributed to the creation of email, cloud, network, and IoT security products and advanced security algorithms. Siddhant is a Cornell University graduate with a Master's degree in Engineering Management and a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from IIIT, Naya Raipur, India.
In his downtime, he can be found exploring various national parks on road trips or engrossed in the latest non-fiction book.