World IPv6 Launch
Happy First Birthday, World IPv6 Launch!
2 min read
No more tests, no more trials, IPv6 has left the laboratory -- for good. Happy First Birthday, World IPv6 Launch! May you have many, many, more.
Worldwide IPv6 Usage Reaches Key Threshold
4 min read
The aim of the World IPv6 Launch was to spark a steady, sustained, growth of IPv6 usage leading up to and continuing after June 6, 2012. The continued growth since June 6 and the milestone reached this weekend is an indicator that this commitment had its intended affect thus far. Cisco now has its own AS (#109) on the network operator list, making it the first in the world that is participating in all three categories of the World IPv6 Launch. User activity as measured by Google hit 0.25% for the first time in March 2011. A year later, on March 10, 2012, it doubled to 0.5% for the first time. It's taken about 8 months to double that again to reach 1.0% today. If this trend continues, it will double again by mid next year and could break past 10% by the end of 2014. The trend is increasingly clear: If you are a network operator, network-enabled application developer, or anyone else that works with IP and are not running IPv6 now or don't have a plan in place to make it happen soon, now is the time to get started.