When you have more than 22 schools that support 20,000 students, plus staff and devices, your network and bandwidth capacity are key to keeping up with demand. In Riverside, California, the Val Verde school system’s legacy network needed a transformation in order to continue its mission of producing life-long learners.
The Val Verde Unified School District (USD) is heavily funded by the Federal E-rate program, which provides discounts of up to 90 percent to help eligible schools and libraries obtain affordable telecommunications and Internet access. This funding enables the school to directly address some of the poverty issues in their district by democratizing the ability to access online services.
Working with Cisco and partner Resilient Communications, Val Verde was able to expand and enhance its network in 2019, making it even more resilient to meet the rapidly changing curriculum and bandwidth needs in today’s learning environment.
Resilient worked in conjunction with the Cisco optical team and dark fiber providers to create a realistic roadmap for the successful implementation of a new network. Val Verde USD leased local dark fiber, and Resilient provided the Cisco NCS 2006 with ROADMs (Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Mux) as the turnkey solution at five major core nodes. The dual ring topology provided 20G to all sites and enabled a 100G connection between the district office and the disaster recovery data center. Eight subrings were also engineered coming off the main ROADM nodes.
With this configuration, the district could upgrade capacity to each school node and have bandwidth control over the entire network. You can learn more about this and how Cisco helped in the case study. You can also learn about all of Cisco’s optical networking solutions on our website.
This is great. I love to read about Cisco helping education and children.
This Val Verde Board Member greatly appreciates the partnership with Cisco. This allows our students to compete educationally with students from other effluent areas/school districts.
Marla Kirkland Vice-President VVUSD Trustee