This post was authored by Warren Mercer.
Patch Tuesday for June 2016 has arrived where Microsoft releases their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release contains 16 bulletins addressing 44 vulnerabilities. Five bulletins resolve critical vulnerabilities found in MS DNS Server, Edge, Internet Explorer, JScript/VBScript, and Office. The remaining bulletins are rated important and address vulnerabilities in Active Directory, Exchange Server, Group Policy, SMB Server, Netlogon, Windows Graphics component, Windows Kernel-mode Drivers, Windows PDF, Window Search Component, and WPAD.
Bulletins Rated Critical
Microsoft bulletins MS16-063 and MS16-068 through MS16-071 are rated as critical in this release.
MS16-063 and MS16-068 are this month’s bulletins for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge browsers. The IE security bulletin addresses vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer versions 9, 10, & 11. The IE bulletin covers 10 vulnerabilities in total and resolves eight memory corruption bugs, seven of which are critical, a XSS filter vulnerability, and a WPAD vulnerability. The Edge bulletin addresses eight vulnerabilities, consisting of four memory corruption bugs, two information disclosure, one security feature bypass and a PDF remote code execution vulnerability.