Mobile Security Made Simple, Cisco AnyConnect 4.3 is Now Available
Mobile workers are expected to account for nearly three quarters of the total U.S. workforce by 2020 (1) –that’s more than 105 million people. And nearly every one of them uses multiple devices to connect to the network. Each of these endpoints provides one more opportunity for hackers and insider threats to wreak havoc. It’s no surprise then that 50 percent of organizations (2) surveyed by Cisco think they are at high risk for a security breach by the use of mobility.
To support mobile workers, enterprises need VPNs, which are a proven model for secure and private connections to corporate networks. VPN services need to be easy to use, particularly from employee-owned devices. But that’s just the beginning. Organizations need even more visibility and control over endpoints to reduce risk. Piling more point solutions onto an expanding arsenal of security tools only compounds the complexity, fragmentation, and inefficiencies you’re already facing. That’s why Cisco continues to build-in more functionality to the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to deliver better protection that’s also simple to use and manage.
Going beyond VPN, Cisco AnyConnect provides additional context and easier control helping organizations to not only prevent rogue devices from connecting to corporate resources, but also identify suspicious behavior on or off-premise.
The new Cisco AnyConnect 4.3 delivers even greater endpoint visibility, monitoring, and protection in a single, easy-to-manage VPN mobile security solution.
Secure Access: Keep malware and other potential threats from entering the corporate network via always-on VPN services. Utilizing functionality such as auto reconnect and per-app VPN, enterprises have a lightweight and transparent way to provide BYOD protection.
Network and Data Visibility: Check the security posture of endpoints and get valuable user, device, application, and location data from devices, on or off-premise, with the Network Visibility Module. With Cisco Stealthwatch, or with solutions from technology partners – Live Action, Splunk, and IBM – you can monitor and evaluate endpoint behavior to detect, investigate, and defend against potential threats.
Threat Defense: Extend endpoint threat protection to any device that is using Cisco AnyConnect by turning on advanced malware protection (AMP) for Endpoints.
Simple and Effective: Cisco AnyConnect is part of Cisco’s Integrated Threat Defense architecture that combines simplicity with security effectiveness. It helps you stop more threats from mobile devices and reduce security risk by compressing the time to detect and remediate threats inside the network.
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(1)- IDC, U.S. Mobile Worker Forecast, 2015-2020
(2)-Cisco 2016 Annual Security Report