If you are looking for a career with almost unlimited growth potential, cybersecurity might well be the ideal path for you. The ideal candidate will have a good blend of both tech and soft skills.
Technical skills can be broken down into two categories: hands-on skills and conceptual technical knowledge, which can vary depending on the job. In terms of soft skills, companies look for cybersecurity experts who have the following skills: understand the big picture, can simplify concepts to others who may not be as tech-savvy, love to solve puzzles, enjoy being up to speed with new and emerging threats, are not afraid to ask questions, and can work in a team and genuinely want to help others. – Cybersecurity is, at the end of the day, all about making technology safer for everyone. And your satisfaction will be far greater if you feel a natural desire to help others.
Assuming you can already or are willing to start checking off the skills and attributes above, there is plenty you can do to boost your chances of getting a job in cybersecurity. Beyond education, it will be vital you try to gain practical experience practicing your skills,and there are lots of ways to develop them. To start, I recommend trying the following:
- Volunteer at IT and cybersecurity conferences
- Offer to help at a nonprofit or charity
- Join LinkedIn interest groups, professional networks, or security organizations
- Collaborate on a cybersecurity project at your education institution or organization
- Connect with peers on GitHub

Which passwords are best? How can you protect yourself while traveling?
Try your luck in answering 8 questions.
Ready to learn more?
At the Cisco Networking Academy, we offer cybersecurity courses to equip you with the essentials to defend yourself, your employers, and your communities from cybercrime. We offer a complete, industry-standard learning pathway for next-generation problem solvers who want to protect and defend the digital world.
Want to explore cybersecurity careers?
Learn more in our e-book about the wonderful cybersecurity career paths that professionals take in the industry.
I am interested in Cybersecurity
agree with you on the skills required. I learn cybersecurity essential and I need to learn more like cybersecurity advice.
I love the quiz
I agree with you on the skills required and I already started my path in this World.
There is so much work to do, particularly in south América, starting with regulations. In Perú we dont have the regulations needed.
Just Banks and other big institutions have cyber security Teams, the rest of the companies, in this case the majority of the market, dont even plan to have a team
I think they need orientation.
The education with this pandemic is Just realized the need of prevention in taking care of data, etc.
Thanks to CISCO and the Education Minister of Perú, I studied CYBEROPS with no cost.
Thank you, and again thanks to your company… I think I will keep studying and eventually working in this field.
Sorry for my NOT good english and for too long comment
Pls Share me with the link to Study CyberOps with no cost
Yes im interested cyber security
I want to learn more on cybersecruity
I am interested
Please Share me with the link to Study CyberOps with no cost.
Please share me the link to learning CYBERSECURITY.
i personally like very much the filed of cybersecurity . and i am interested in cybersecurity.
Hello !
I wish that you can get some work in this area. However, a lot of study and knowledge is needed. We cannot give up, we have to work hard and move on.
Thank you CISCO for the courses and openings !
Good morning great people,send me link to learn or study cyber security threat with no price. Thank you.
All is well
Concordo com os caminhos a trilhar para obter experiência em Segurança Cibernética
hola estoy interesado en aprender sobre el mundo de la seguridad ciberseguridad
Thanks for the ideas, im really looking forward for a career in cybersecurity.
me interesa bastante la ciberseguridad
Estou no curso de segurança e sou um aluno com mais de 40anos
Estou gostando dos cursos da cisco até por que são gratuitos.
Valeu cisco
Grandioso. También me gustaría saber sobre la ciberseguridad
Of course, I’d like to learn more about Cybersecurity. Thanks Cisco!
excelente proyecto, quiero introducirme en el mundo de la ciberseguridad
Im interested in cibersecurity
I think I might go more in depth, I’m taking a real liking to it! Cyber security detective!
I am very much interested in cybersecurity
I’m more and more interested in the Cybersecurity field for a while and I’m enrolled into two courses, I’m certified and I like how good the courses are demonstrating the best skills that a cyber expert has to getin his profession.
i love cybersecurity
I really enjoy the course. I’ve been exposed to the nitty gritty of cyber security and I’m really interested in taking a career in this path
me gustaría aprender de manera mas interactiva y practica acerca de la ciberseguridad
Obrigado pela oportunidade de participar da pesquisa e poder fazer parte da comunidade. Abraço
me interesa mucho este tema.
La seguridad es importante para mi ciudad pero requiero aprender yo para enseñar a los demás
Quiero enfocarme en la ciberseguridad.
Hi there,
Excellent article, thanks.
It’s my biggest dream to become a cyber security I love that field and I ready start learning can you share the cyber ops link at free of cost
I am interested in Cybersecurity
La seguridad es muy importante, porque nos ayuda a conoser más de como podemos proteger la seguridad nuestra de la mejor manera posible y la de nuestros hijos e hijas.
Excelente tema para desarrollarse como profesional. Me encantaría adquirir nuevos conocimientos en este ámbito.
Je suis ravi d’apprendre plus de vous la cyber sécurité je l’aime beaucoup
I agree with you on the skills required and I already started my path in this World.
I am interested in Cybersecurity
I am interested in cyber security.
I am very interested cyber security
I agree with you on the skills required ,
Consider I thinking to taking a Networking Academy course
I want to learn cyber security to protect our social and antisocial accounts.
Proctect our personal imformation.
I am interested in Cybersecurity
I work at Deutsche Boerse in the Connectivity, Control and Internet Team as a trainee. We use CISCO Firewalls and CISCO FTD. I would like to get hands on the Cyber-security to improve and grow further.
I am interested
I am interested
Please Share me with the link to Study CyberOps with no cost.
Please advice how to do CyberOps free and get on cyber security career path. Thanks
I would love to learn cyber security
J’ai vraiment envie de devenir un expert en cybersécurité
et avec les modules de netacad beaucoup d’autres comme arriveront à leur fin.
I THINK CYBER SECURITY is of paramount important since everything nowadays is done on internet.therefore, cyber attacks are likely ,if you use internet
I am so happy at know about CyberSecurity, thank’s CiscoNetworkingAcademy.
Muy interesante el tema de la ciberseguridad, es necesario aprender ya que en la actualidad estamos mas expuestos a travez de las redes sociales. Los cursos están buenos para la orientación de nosotros los jóvenes, ya que muchas veces no somos responsables al compartir información personal.
El curso es bueno, ya que hay mucha filtración de la información seguido de araquesy cybernetico
I am interested, Please Share me the link to Study CyberOps with no cost.
agree with you on the skills required. I need to learn more like cybersecurity advice.
I’m interested in the cybersecurity classes
I took the courses Introduction Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity essencial (all quizzes and final test including feedback), how to generate (download) a certificate
How can I get a certificate?
I am interested learn or Study cybersegurity
Thank Cisco
I am interested in Cybersecurity
how to get the knowledge
hola buenas tardes, muy interesante el curso de ciberseguridad me gusta mucho, gracias a CISCO por darnos la oportunidad de aprender y seguiré aprendiendo todo lo concerniente a ciberseguridad y otros temas de informática.
Me gusta aprender mas sobre ciberseguridad
muy bueno
Plz send me link
I,m passionate with cyber security
je suis intéressé par CiscoNetworkingAcademy
J’adore vraiment
Excelente iniciativa, desarrollar las habilidades que se requieren, además una temática muy interesante y actual, gracias CISCO y Ministerio de Educación por Promover estos cursos de capacitación.
Iam interested in the cyber security, this pandemic teach me how to defend our network infrastructure. The cyber attack has been common now and increase while people do job in their home, especially as my job in NOC i should learn cybersecurity skills.
I LOVE CYBERSECURITY but my interest in programming is wanting… must they combine?
I really interested in cibersecurity
Es necesario aprender sobre la ciberseguridad para crear excelente contraseña
I agree
legal valeu
This is really interesting & inspiring thing
Best career oppertunity.i am intrested in cybersecurity
I am interested
Please Share me with the link to Study CyberOps with no cost.
Improve Proffesionals knowledge
me interesa muchisimo ,es muy interesante
Yes I am interested in cybersecurity
I would like to learn more and make this an area of focus
An area I would like to pursue
Je suis beaucoup intéressé par la cybercriminalité que je n’avais pas su auparavant. Je veux faire une carrière dans ce domaine à forte employabilite. Je vous remercie infiniment.
I m interested in cyber security
Excelente, la ciberseguridad es una rama que pemrite la investigación en todos los niveles
muy interesante la ciberseguridad
I am interested in cyber security
Es muy interesante informarse sobre ciber seguridad,
Oui je suis intéressé par la cybersecurité
oui je veux
Olá . sem duvida, iniciativas de ensino colaboram na formação de profissionais de cyber segurança pois induz a curiosidade .
This is very interesting.
The quiz was great. It helped me a lot and I’m eager to learn more.
I am currently an a Masters Student studying Cyber Security, I graduated originally with a first in Mathematics. I’m keen, but struggling to get experience in my area, there isn’t alot of need for it at my area in Wales, Swansea. I would love some advice or help, you can reach me at Instagram @StormMusicUK. If you could help me I would really appreciate it. I am currently studying CyberOps and CCNA-s through the Open University.
I fully agree with the foundations of a cybersecurity in fact, I am studying cybersecurity with cisco, I am passionate about and believe that I can be of support in an organization where data security is of great value
i want to learn cyber security
Good morning sir,
I’m interested in cybersecurity course sir..
And thank you very much for providing this course for free of cost ..
I want improve the skills and my knowledge….
I want to learn sir…
Thank you Cisco.. thank you soo much
This is indeed a great career opportunity.
However, in my opinion, it is best to learn, get certified and then pursue a university degree while exercising your skills at work.
Employers are more likely to hire certified people who are also keen in obtaining a degree as they already posse the necessary skillsets.
Best Wishes
I am interested in Cybersecurity. I learn cybersecurity essential and I need to learn more like cybersecurity advice.
Yes i am very interested in ciber security
I am very very interested in ciber security
J’aime la cyber sécurité et j’aimerais apprendre mieux dans ce domaine