Cisco Champions are in Las Vegas at Cisco Live this week! Following are Tweets from Champions from Day 4, the final day of the event.
Ppl come to #clus and discover how cool @cisco can be, and say I love my job. I come to #clus to fuel my visionary side and make wild goals
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
You cannot interview everyone. Gather the facts, Collect the Clues Follow the Evidence and Interview Witnesses #CLUS #FISHISMs
— Justin Cohen (@cantechit) July 14, 2016
Amongst the cool memories from last night's #CLUS CAE: Doing what I think turned into the Snoopy dance with @DeniseFishburne
— Jody Lemoine (@ghostinthenet) July 14, 2016
Just interviewed by @CiscoTVMedia in front of the @CiscoCollab #keynote #clus @wwt_inc
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
Always use Load-Interval 30 when TSHOOTing to make averages show you what’s happening NOW – the default is 5 minutes.. #FISHtips #CLUS
— Justin Cohen (@cantechit) July 14, 2016
It's always about a real world experience. #clus
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
My face is peeling and my nose is bleeding. Either this is #vegas or I'm turning into a zombie.
— David Varnum (@overlaid) July 14, 2016
My Highlight at #CLUS @abrauman
— Sebastian Leuser (@sleuser) July 14, 2016
Nice! We be awesome! #CLUS #CiscoChampion #Leaderboard #superstar #superheroes
— Zoë Rose (@5683Monkey) July 14, 2016
Justin, Dustin, Ed Walsh and Kim showing how to improve your social brand. #clus #ciscochampions
— Ben Story (@ntwrk80) July 14, 2016
@cantechit building a brand doesn't happen overnight. #clus
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
Shout out to my #CLUS fam who included me in their adventures @CiscoLive @joshuarkittle @silviakspiva @mattouellette @SaShreve
— Zoë Rose (@5683Monkey) July 14, 2016
— CiscoLive (@CiscoLive) July 14, 2016
What an amazing opportunity to speak @CiscoLive – a very huge career achievement for me. @LongViewSystems #clus
— Justin Cohen (@cantechit) July 14, 2016
You can't be serious ALL the time! 🙂
— Denise Donohue (@LadyNetwkr) July 14, 2016
If anyone knows where to get an adrenaline injection, let me know. #CLUS
— Dustin Beare (@net_introvert) July 14, 2016
We are all in the business of story telling #clus @KevinSpacey
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
Sometimes you've got to listen to the little devil on your left shoulder :0)#CLUS #CiscoChampion
— Chris Brown (@ChrisKnowsIT) July 14, 2016
We all have the ability to tell stories. The important thing is who is listening. @KevinSpacey #clus
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
@net_introvert Absolutely!! #CLUS
— CiscoLive (@CiscoLive) July 14, 2016
Sometimes a mentor, a role model, a parent can say the right thing at the right time, that changes a persons life — Kevin Spacey
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016
Primed in HD mobile for @KevinSpacey @hbcomm @CiscoLive @CiscoChampion in New Hampshire #moosetooth
— Alex Bisset (@abisset1) July 14, 2016
This seat for @KevinSpacey should be pretty good I think. Row 1 seat 2? #clus thanks @CiscoLive
— Justin Cohen (@cantechit) July 14, 2016
Thanks #CiscoChampion program for the awesome #clus seats for @KevinSpacey !!
— Sam Clements (@samuel_clements) July 14, 2016
Front row to the #clus keynote with @KevinSpacey
— Sam Clements (@samuel_clements) July 14, 2016
@KevinSpacey reminded me, that when you get to the top. Don't forget to send the elevator down for the next rising star to join you #CLUS
— Stewart Goumans (@WirelessStew) July 14, 2016
President Underwood is in the house @KevinSpacey #CLUS
— Sebastian Leuser (@sleuser) July 14, 2016
#CLUS Closing keynote with Kevin Spacey. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves. See you next year #CiscoChampion
— Brad Haynes (@GK_bradhaynes) July 14, 2016
Place your bet on those that push the envelope. You will never get anywhere by doing the status quo @KevinSpacey #clus
— Dennis Heim (@CollabSensei) July 14, 2016